Monday, April 9, 2012

Cliff Matte

This is a cliff matte mde from three different images. The man standing on the rock is seperate from the back ground. By using refined selection tools and quick mask I managed to isolate the man on the rock I wanted. I also used the refine edge to get a better selection. After placing the man standing on the rock where I wanted in the new background I started to apply adjustment layers to it. I managed to get a dark shadow on the man. Finally I inserted a new sky in with a layer mask. This

night shop matte

For this matte painting I had to turn this building into a night shop. First I had to remove all of the people and the tent to get a clean slate. I did this by using the spot healing brush tool. Then to build up texture back up i used the healing brush tool and cloning stamp. My next approach was to replace the sky with a different background. To do this I used the channels layers and decided to use the blue channel to remove the sky background. After that I started to use adjustment layers on the building, grass, and trees to increase the image quality for night time. My last adjustment layer was the photo filter were i added a underwater filter. Also I used a solid color adjustment layer to paint some color on the trees. The last touch I put on the building background was a filter high pass. Now my focus was on the sky background. I altered the background using levels, hue/saturation, and color balance and other adjustments. I also decided to copy the moon and overlayed it and added an outerglow. The final step I did was add a gaussian blur to the moon for a halo effect. 

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

My matte painting

Here is my matte painting that I made from several different pictures. This invovled using many different selection tools, custom brushes, and layer styles.

Thursday, March 22, 2012

meteor city part 1

 Here I have my first part of my matte painting. With the city back ground in place I started with the smoke trails that lead to the buildings. By doing that I used a custom made brush called to get a good smoke texture and used shades of light blue and grey to get the color. There is also a piece of the top building falling apart from a meteor hit. I added some depth to the building piece by painting in some black. Last thing I did was add debris falling from the building to add a realistic effect of impact from the meteor hitting the building.

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

blending pratice

Here I praticed blending colors by using the paint brush in Photoshop. The objects on the left are images i had to duplicate. I found the retangle shape easier to do because of the direction of the the brush, but to help myself for the circle I used guides and rulers to isolate sections and build from there. To help me pick the colors I wanted I used the eye dropper to pick out most of the colors. Lowering the softness of the brush and also the flow were some techniques i used to better my brush. By taking some time I think I matched the colors well and in the end came out pretty good.